0年Twitter账号认证新政策完全解读|tter测试类似Stories功能 消息24小时后将自动删除|ebook社交平台,用户数量超1



Twitter said it would "ask users to delete tweets" in these cases. The company's user guidelines stipulate that "when we determine that a tweet violates Twitter's rules, we will ask the violator to delete it before we can post a new tweet." Twitter will ask users to delete tweets through e-mail, and users can appeal if they have any objection. Other users will not be able to see this illegal tweet until it is deleted( (Xingyun)

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假如您在Twitter上很活跃性,则很有可能会注意到与每个帐户关联的深蓝色标识。假如您是知名品牌或公司,您很有可能想要知道如何获得该验证情况。验证能够协助您创建信誉度,请继续阅读文中以掌握相关怎样在Twitter上根据账户验证创建可靠的品牌形象的其他信息及其2020年twitter账户验证的 …


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