ins买粉 Facebook为短视频应用Reels添加购物功能




It is reported that instagram, Facebook's photo sharing platform, will test its shopping through its short video function "reels" later this year to monetize it. Meanwhile, from this week, instagram will add shopping features to its long video platform "igtv.".

Instagram 自动赞

分析人士称,Instagram的这些举措将吸引那些希望在Instagram上进行货币化的创作者和品牌。在过去的几年里,Facebook在Instagram上测试了多种形式的购物功能。 近一次是今年夏天,在Instagram主屏幕上测试一个专门的“商店”标签。用户可以通过常规的Instagram帖子、直播(Live)、Stories和Explore订阅进行购物。


去年11月,Instagram率先在巴西推出了短视频功能Reels,今年6月在法国和德国推出,随后又在印度上线。Instagram Reels与TikTok高度相似,如允许用户制作和分享15秒的视频剪辑等。7月有报道称,Facebook将在美国和其他50多个 推出Reels,从而向TikTok发起挑战。

TikTok很早就进入了电商领域。去年,TikTok开始测试新的社交电商功能,允许一些用户在他们的个人资料和视频中添加购物链接,而零售业巨头李维斯(Levi‘s)就是首批使用TikTok新的“Shop Now”(现在购买)功能的零售品牌之一。

Tiktok has entered the field of e-commerce for a long time. Last year, tiktok began testing new social e-commerce features, allowing some users to add shopping links to their profiles and videos. Retail giant Levi's is one of the first retail brands to use tiktok's new "shop now" feature.


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