物流卖家包裹出境或受多国海关规则变|抵制迟早过去 Facebook加码|tter广告投放教程技巧?Twit|和免堆期的相关知识,你了解多


D&D (Demarcate & Detention) 滞箱费,,其相关名词是Free Time (免费期)。Demarcate 免费期始于货到目的地的日期;Detention 免费期始于收货人提重箱的日期。两者不是二选一, 应同时争取。

D & D (demarcate & detention) demurrage fee, and its related term is free time. Demarcate free period starts from the date when the goods arrive at the destination; The detension free period starts from the date when the consignee picks up the heavy box. The two are not one of two options and should be fought for at the same time.


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