一封客户必回的邮件|必备】盘点各国海关规定|Tok美国月活用户超1亿 在全球范|跨境电商新调整 出口退税成新热门 MDR-CE认证如何|


若是非木质包装,提单的品名描述栏将显示:“THIS SHIPMENT CONTAINS NO SOLID WOOD PACKING MATERIALS”。客户发送给我司的提单资料上,请注明是熏蒸放气或非木质包装,否则将默认该票货物为“非木质包装”,并以此申报。

For non wood packaging, the Description column of the product name of the bill of lading will display: "this shipment contains no solid wood packaging materials". On the bill of lading information sent by the customer to our company, please indicate whether it is fumigation deflation or non wood packaging, otherwise the goods will be declared as "non wood packaging" by default.



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