ins买粉 字节跳动任命凯文·梅耶尔为首席运营官兼TikTok全球CEO

🟨🟧🟩🟦加vx: 『buyfensi』 - Byte beat said the appointment would not affect byte beat's China business. Zhang Lidong, chairman of byt China, continues to be responsible for the functional departments and commercial business of byt China. Byte beating China CEO Zhang Nan, continues to be responsible for jitter, tiktok, watermelon video and other products and businesses. They still report directly to Zhang Yiming.🟨🟧🟩🟦


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凯文·梅耶尔(Kevin Mayer)

新浪科技讯 5月19日早间消息,字节跳动宣布凯文·梅耶尔(Kevin Mayer)将担任首席运营官兼TikTok全球首席执行官。他将于2020年6月1日正式入职字节跳动。

据介绍,凯文·梅耶尔将负责TikTok、Helo、音乐、游戏等业务,同时负责字节跳动全球职能部门(不含 ),包括企业发展、销售、市场、公共事务、安全、法务等。原TikTok总裁Alex Zhu,将转任字节跳动产品与战略副总裁,负责公司战略和产品设计。与此同时,TikTok全球各 和地区现负责人当前职位不变,将继续履行原有职责,向凯文·梅耶尔汇报。

According to reports, Kevin Mayer will be responsible for tiktok, Hello, music, games and other businesses, as well as global functional departments (excluding China), including enterprise development, sales, marketing, public affairs, security, legal affairs, etc. Alex Zhu, former president of tiktok, will be transferred to vice president of product and strategy, responsible for the company's strategy and product design. At the same time, the current position of the current head of tiktok countries and regions remains unchanged, and will continue to perform the original duties and report to Kevin Mayer.


凯文·梅耶尔表示:“我很高兴有机会加入字节跳动这样优秀的团队。TikTok创建了一个充满创意、积极向上的全球线上社区,这是非常难得的成就,让所有人耳目一新。我很兴奋能参与字节跳动下一阶段的发展历程,继续在全世界各个地区推广我们的产品。我个人很感谢迪士尼团队共同取得的巨大成就。我尤其感激Bob Iger多年来富有远见的领导与指导,也非常敬佩Bob Chapek。当我准备开启新事业时,有幸获得一鸣和董事会的信任。我们将带着共同的使命和愿景,继续推动字节跳动在全球范围的成长。”

据公开资料,过去20多年间,凯文·梅耶尔在迪士尼多个重要岗位任职。担任消费者与 业务董事长期间,凯文·梅耶尔成功推出迪士尼流媒体服务Disney+,该服务全球付费订阅用户数现已突破5000万。就任迪士尼 执行副总裁兼首席战略官时,凯文·梅耶尔负责企业战略、商务拓展等部门,并推动迪士尼对于皮克斯动画、漫威、卢卡斯影业、21世纪福克斯的收购。凯文·梅耶尔还负责过Hulu、ESPN+和Hotstar等流媒体服务,以及 运营、全球内容和广告销售业务,在行业赢得了良好声誉。

字节跳动表示,此次任命不会影响字节跳动的 业务。字节跳动 董事长张利东,继续负责字节跳动 的职能部门和商业化业务。字节跳动 CEO张楠,继续负责抖音、今日头条、西瓜视频等产品和业务。两人仍直接向张一鸣汇报。

Byte beat said the appointment would not affect byte beat's China business. Zhang Lidong, chairman of byt China, continues to be responsible for the functional departments and commercial business of byt China. Byte beating China CEO Zhang Nan, continues to be responsible for jitter, tiktok, watermelon video and other products and businesses. They still report directly to Zhang Yiming.

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