ins买粉 外贸运营:你为什么要有一个TikTok海外抖音账号?




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Tiktok is a social media position that can highly communicate and identify with American fans. We can use it to find some real fans for evaluation. As long as we do a good job in short video content of products, tiktok platform will recommend relatively accurate fan groups. However, many Amazon sellers can do a good job in selecting products, but they may not be able to do a good job in short video content that fans like to watch, Even many operations do not even tiktok in China. Short video is a new field for Amzon operation, and it takes time to learn and accept.

其二,Amazon平台对外部流量来源并不关心,无论你是做广告投放还是社媒引流到Amazon商品listing页面,Amazon 真正想看的是你引流与转化的比例效果,比如你引流了100个人去到你的商品页面, 终成交的只有寥寥数个,那么反而商品的权重会下降,Amazon平台会判断你的商品会不好,影响平台的抽成,所以Amazon卖家运营需要的是精准的流量,说白了就是你的内容是否可以大大的刺激粉丝的购买欲。(能够带货的内容才是运营们想要的)。



判断二:被推荐的人群观看后有好几万的人关注点赞成为粉丝,说明它的内容被这个 这个领域的人认同。


当然是广告投放,只有广告投放才可以做 精准流量,TikTok账号及其他社媒的粉丝流量只能相对精准,国内能够做好TikTok广告投放的团队屈指可数,其原因就是因为内容为王的时代,一条好的短视频广告素材对于TikTok广告优化师的重要性不言而喻,而国内能做好TikTok Ads广告素材服务商的团队更是稀少,而我们吃鲸MCN已然服务了许多跨境大企业的TikTok项目,每个月为之生产成百上千的海外短视频,既能服务数量又能担保质量。


运营TikTok账号并不容易,TikTok平台的免费流量并不好拿,一方面因为卖家的店铺运营思维和企业销售业绩考核,往往运营的TikTok账号内容充斥了大量的自身商品品牌曝光,另一方面TikTok 去 化的平台政策提高在 运营的门槛,如果不是长期深耕在TikTok平台,如何按时顺应TikTok平台的热点内容去涨cheap粉?所以往往卖家单打独斗获得的都是0播放量0粉丝的结果。

It's not easy to operate tiktok account. The free traffic of tiktok platform is not easy to get. On the one hand, because of the seller's store operation thinking and enterprise sales performance evaluation, the content of tiktok account is often full of a large number of exposure of its own commodity brands. On the other hand, tiktok's official platform policy of going to China raises the threshold of operating in China, if not for a long time, How to comply with the hot content of tiktok platform on time? So often sellers fight alone to get the result of 0 playback and 0 fans.

❤️‍🔥 外贸运营:你为什么要有一个TikTok海外抖音账号?❤️‍🔥