🟨🟧🟩🟦加vx: 『buyfensi』 - 工会人力资源开发部长拉梅什·波赫里亚尔(Ramesh)祝贺CBSE和Facebook推出了这项计划。他在推文中写道:我感谢CBSeindia29和Facebook印度发起的倡议,旨在为教师引入增强现实和学生数字安全的培训计划。- 麒麟在线Ins粉丝自动赞网- 安全快捷的出海粉丝营销网🟨🟧🟩🟦
新引入的课程是由Facebookfor Education领导的合作关系的一部分,可在CBSE网站https://cbseacademic.nic.in/fb/FacebookForEducation.html上获得。该课程将涵盖数字安全和在线健康的各个方面,例如安全,隐私,心理健康和Instagram的《建筑健康数字习惯指南》,该指南是与杰德基金会和积极公民青年领袖共同开发的。它还将教学生识别和报告威胁,骚扰和错误信息。
The newly introduced courses are part of a partnership led by Facebook for education and are available on the CBSE website https://cbseacademic.nic.in/fb/FacebookForEducation.html On the Internet. The course will cover all aspects of digital security and online health, such as security, privacy, mental health and instagram's digital habits guide for building health, which was developed with the Jed foundation and active citizen youth leaders. It will also teach students to identify and report threats, harassment and error messages.
作为合作关系的一部分,将由社会研究中心(CSR)提供10,000名学生参加的培训。除此之外,Facebook将支持CBSE引入增强现实(AR)作为课程。在 阶段,将培训10,000名教师。然后,这些教师将使用Digital Learning Platform Private Limited开发的系统在第二阶段教30,000名学生。
“通过我们在印度的Facebook for Education计划,我们希望支持该国的教育机构在吸取教训,以培养安全的在线体验,解决在线福祉以及为父母,教育者和学生共享易用的工具包,以增强韧性和“在当前环境中学习”,Facebook印度,南亚和中亚公共政策主管Ankhi Das表示。
"Through our Facebook for education program in India, we hope to support educational institutions in the country in learning lessons to foster a secure online experience, address online wellbeing, and share easy-to-use toolkits for parents, educators, and students to enhance resilience and" learn in the current environment, "said ankhi DAS, Facebook's director of public policy in India, South and Central Asia.
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