ins买粉 Facebook再次被爆出泄露用户隐私,或将面临欧盟巨额罚款

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On social media instagram, there are many enterprise accounts on the platform for various activities and product promotion. After they post on the platform, the platform will provide them with detailed data of each post. For example: which user sees this post when, and how many times to watch and like it. This function also attracts many non enterprise users, some of whom often switch to enterprise accounts to use instagram's analysis tools.

但是,用户使用企业账户的前提是必须公开电子邮件地址和电话号码。这一条款要求instagram可能面临欧盟巨额罚款。Instagram用户的 低年龄是13岁,但由于智能设备的普及和开放的网络环境,很多13岁以下的孩子也可以使用这个应用程序。

Instagram 自动赞


Instagram 自动赞

而这已经不是Facebook 次曝出有关泄露用户隐私的丑闻了,之前还曝出英国脱欧和美国大选都借助了Facebook数据隐私。尽管Facebook的创始人马克·扎克伯格曾说:“我们有责任保护您的数据,如果不能,我们就不应该为您服务。”但是这句话似乎从来没有被真正实现过。

This is not the first time that Facebook has exposed a scandal about the disclosure of users' privacy. It was also revealed that both brexit and the US election relied on Facebook's data privacy. Although Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg once said, "we have a responsibility to protect your data, if not, we should not serve you." But it seems that this sentence has never been really realized.

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