6日消息在印度封禁TikTok后,印度本土公司正在利用这一机会抢占市场。除印度科技公司外,印度黑产和网络犯罪者也正想要从这里面分一块肉。据外媒gizbot报道,一些网络犯罪者推出了一款名为“TikTok Pro”的间谍软件,以提供短视频的名义在安卓用户间大肆传播。
According to the report, the spyware shortcut looks like a normal tiktok program, and claims to provide users with short videos to make and share. When the user installs this application, it will send out requests for camera, picture library, microphone and other permissions to steal the user's data, infect the user's mobile phone with virus, and even damage the user's smart phone.
目前该应用主要是通过WhatsApp或SMS用户之间的分享链接进行传播,类似于早期的诱导分享传播,其次是开发者通过某些渠道推广分享。IT之家了解到,由于目前iOS应用大都是通过App Store所安装,因此受影响用户主要是印度的安卓手机用户。
At present, the application is mainly spread through the sharing links between WhatsApp or SMS users, similar to the early induced sharing spread, followed by developers promoting sharing through some channels. It home has learned that most IOS applications are installed through the app store, so the affected users are mainly Android mobile users in India.